Brackeys Game Jam 2020.2 - BEST GAMES!

Let's take a look at some of the awesome games from the fourth Brackeys Game Jam!

► Check out RADICAL: getrad.co/

Featured games:
Divided Dungeon - ysopprod.itch.io/divided-dungeon
Lost in City - eccioa.itch.io/lostincity
It’s a Wrap - chankostudios.itch.io/its-a-wrap
ReColor - foopis23.itch.io/recolor
Retro Rift - freezedice.itch.io/retrorift
Playback - dyoxyne.itch.io/playback-brackeys-jam-20202
Dux Nox - elvinlc.itch.io/dux-nox
RE-WIND - raphlette.itch.io/re-wind
Rewind - jimmyc5.itch.io/rewind
In Psycho Taxi - Rewind - arabong.itch.io/psycho-taxi-rewind
Sir Ewind - oco.itch.io/sir-ewind
Rhythm Rewind - colinw.itch.io/rhythmrewind
What the…? REWIND THAT - umbrason.itch.io/what-the-rewind-that
Rhombus - abdullamousawi.itch.io/rhombus

Jam winners:
Overall: Dux Nox - elvinlc.itch.io/dux-nox
Game Design: Rewind - jimmyc5.itch.io/rewind
Fun: In Psycho Taxi - Rewind - arabong.itch.io/psycho-taxi-rewind
Innovation: It’s a Wrap - chankostudios.itch.io/its-a-wrap
Theme: Sir Ewind - oco.itch.io/sir-ewind
Graphics: Iridescent dream - lunid.itch.io/iridescent-dream
Audio: Rhythm Rewind - colinw.itch.io/rhythmrewind


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♪ "ES_Dress Code_Black - oomiee" by Epidemic Sound
