ずっと気になっていたGalaxy Ringを使ってみた結果… │ Galaxy Ring レビュー

📝Table of Contents
00:00 - Table of Contents
00:31 - What is the Galaxy Ring?
01:36 - What I liked about Galaxy Ring
01:43 - ①Energy and sleep results can be quantified
03:07 - ②Skin temperature can be viewed in detail.
03:49 - ③It shows your stress level.
04:25 - ④Battery life that lasts a week
04:53 - ⑤Take pictures with a double tap
05:15 - ⑥You can wear your favorite watch
05:39 - Subtlety of Galaxy Ring
05:47 - ①The pressure of the ring
06:28 - ②May be tough to wear all day long
07:55 - ③It interferes with things unexpectedly
09:02 - ④Lack of automatic movement detection
09:58 - ⑤ Can't see heart rate during muscle training
10:47 - My biggest concern is the comfort of wearing it
11:05 - Watch or Ring?
11:46 - I want this on the Galaxy Watch!
12:13 - Summary.

#GalaxyRing #GalaxyS25 #GalaxyS25Ultra
