MAGICAL HEALING MANTRA ❯ Prana Apana Sushumna Hari Meditation

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MAGICAL HEALING MANTRA || Prana Apana Sushumna Hari Meditation

We deeply believe that our mind has power to heal any pain, any emotional wound and that the real healing occurs from within. And this mantra is a powerful tool to reach within yourself and help you with healing. Listen to it, Understand, Chant, and Meditate along with it. We hope that this track will help you.


प्राणा अपाना शुष्मणा हरी
Prana Apana Sushumna. Hari.

हरी हर हरी हर हरी हर हरी
Hari Har Hari Har Hari Har Hari


Prana is the Life Force, The life energy. Apana is the Eliminating force or removing force or energy. Sushumna is the channel through which these energy move around our body. Hari and Har are the names of the that divine source of infinite energy, healing source, some also say that word Hari comes from Hara, which means the remover, remover of pain and negativity. This mantra is very powerful healing device. Both for physical as well as emotional healing. When using this mantra for healing, concentrate on your breathing, and as you inhale visualize that a life force, life energy or prana is energy into your system, . With Apana, visualize that all the pain and negativity and energy blockages inside your body are being removed And Sushumna, is the channel, Its through which the energy is circulating in your body. Visualize that air and energy is circulating within you entire body, each and every cell of your being is lit up by the life force. And as we come to word Hari, Smile and take in all the wonderful things universe has to offer. That Hari has to offer.

~ Understand ~ Meditate ~ Chant ~ Sing Along this beautiful Mantra
~ Remember to Breathe fully and naturally.
~ Cultivate Mindfulness.
~ Enjoy the Journey.
~ Smile

♫ Now Available on iTunes :…

Composition, Arrangement, Production, Guitars and Vocals by ‪@DilpreetBhatiaMusic‬ . Recorded at ‪@meditativemind‬ Studios, Mumbai, India.
Main Image by Sanit Fuangnakhon / Shutterstock


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