
8358 __________

0:00 (Osaka) Usami-tei Matsubaya
Map: goo.gl/maps/7xN6UktY8fFb8WLz6?entry=yt
Address: 3-8-1 Minami Senba, Chuo-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture
URL:    • ここは絶対ハズせない!!注文が殺到する大阪老舗うどん店で日本人共通の一杯丨...  

29:30 (Osaka) Kamo to Koshiki Kodou
Map: goo.gl/maps/BppTRy7aBHd6veWi9?entry=yt
Address: 4-37-3 Senriyama Nishi, Suita City, Osaka Prefecture
URL:    • 【究極の親子丼】大阪で驚異的な人気を誇る行列そば屋の1日に密着丨SOBA ...  

1:18:49 (Nara) Western-style restaurant Haru
Map: maps.app.goo.gl/qU4kJVq5iVKT2Qsi7
Address: 14 Konando-cho, Nara City, Nara Prefecture
URL:    • 27歳ハエ1匹で片腕を失った料理人が1日150人以上の客を捌きまくるガツ盛...  

2:00:23 (Osaka) Soba Restaurant Sanukiji
Map: goo.gl/maps/dXpdcuvEQNNNyMc28?entry=yt
Address: 1-27-7 Izuo, Taisho-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture
URL:    • カツ丼!!出前!!注文が殺到する素朴な大衆うどん店に密着丨Udon Noo...  

2:35:53 (Osaka) Satsuma Udon
Map: maps.app.goo.gl/chGAYXtipeoSieCv8
Address: 2-76-1 Jinnanbe-cho, Sakai-ku, Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture
URL:    • 鬼コスパの爆売れ定食!父母娘で営む誰もが虜になる大阪だしうどん屋が凄い丨U...  

3:10:06 Kashihara) Dashi-dokoro Shichifuku
Map: maps.app.goo.gl/Hhp9sdmiMxDKhD5FA
Address: 146-7 Kuzumoto-cho, Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture
URL:    • 厚さ5cm越え肉厚カツ丼!オープン前から行列ができるがっつり飯がヤバイ丨K...  

Udon Soba Kansai
   / @udonsobakansai  

#udon #tempura #cutlet bowl #Osaka #Nara

*The information is correct as of the date of the interview.
*The menu, prices, and other store information may have changed.
