마침내! 보이저 1호와 2호 태양계 너머 무언가를 감지했습니다.(풀버전: 1시 20분) #외계신호 #우주다큐 #수면다큐?

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When you think of space exploration, there are representative words that come to mind.
The Voyager probe, the Great Voyager, is a NASA space probe called the greatest navigator.
After the launch of Voyager No. 1 and No. 2 about 45 years ago, the name Voyager probe became synonymous with its mission to leave the solar system and travel through interstellar space, contact alien civilizations that we might one day meet, and inform Earth civilization.
The Voyager probe, which continues to sail through space today, is also a lone traveler exploring interstellar space.

It is humanity's inevitable wish to know unknown dimensions beyond time and space.
Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are the space probes created by mankind that go the furthest outside the solar system.
It is also the first probe to show humanity the real world of Uranus and Neptune, which were only imagined.
Even now, the two mission teams are grateful probes that have guided us to a world of infinite imagination by traveling at incredible speeds toward the vast space outside the solar system and delivering unknown knowledge.

Today's space discovery will look at the amazing discoveries of the Voyager probe, which is flying to the furthest point outside the solar system among the probes sent into space by mankind.

Binge-watch space    • 태양계 행성들의 실제 모습 (우주 몰아보기: 3시 10분)|우주다큐...  

#Solar system #Beyond the solar system #Alien #Interstellar space #Voyager 1 #Voyager 2 #Space documentary #Sleep documentary #Voyager #Solar system #Mars migration #Space #ESA #NASA #universus #Wow signal #Proxima #Alien life

(Track Title)by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0.
