Starting in 2025, light vehicle insurance premiums will be significantly revised! Rate classes will be subdivided from three to seven levels, and premiums for older vehicles will increase. We will explain in detail from various angles, including the background of the premium increase, the impact on rural residents, the elderly, and young people, problems with compulsory insurance reserve funds, and comparisons with insurance systems in other countries. We also propose ways and measures to save money by reviewing your insurance! Be sure to check out this information that light vehicle owners must see.
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🔻Check "How much is your car worth?" on a regular basis🔻
🔺"Navikuru Car Appraisal" Official Website🔺
🔻Examples of selling your car for a high price after checking the market price🔻
☑️ • 【スマートな節約】一括査定で愛車は80万も高く売れた!みんな真似できる流れ...
🔺Sell for more than you expected! The YUSA equation for selling cars🔺
🚗Saving on car insurance is easy with your smartphone🚗
🔻Many people have successfully saved over 30,000 yen🔻
🔺You can review your car in as little as 3 minutes🔺
🚙You can easily save over 500,000 yen on car costs🚙
🚙How to save on car-related costs🚙
12 ways to save on car costsbit.ly/3nTqvYZ
15 ways to make car insurance cheaperbit.ly/3LYshV7
Car wash coating that will save you 100,000 yenbit.ly/3xtuyUL
Car accessories that can be used to save moneybit.ly/3v61vBV
Book a test drive consultation for a great dealht tps://bit.ly/3AGfbJJ
Watch unlimited videos in a car for 3,000 yen bit.ly/3ABQSga
🚙Report on actually selling my beloved car for a high price🚙
Owned for 2 years, sold for 2.5 million yen → 2.4 million yen bit.ly/3OLT3RU
Sold C-HR for 2.2 million yen → 2.3 million yen bit.ly/3Q1f4vu
🚙Information you should read before selling your beloved car🚙
Steps to sell your car at a good price bit.ly/3ayNGST
Find out the real valuation in 3 minutes bit.ly/3W1bENd
🚙Easily get approved for a bank loan🚙
Introduction video • 新型ヤリスクロス一部改良モデル【オプションの人気ランキング&オススメ&後悔...
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☑️Special animated video to make car insurance cheaper (production cost 200,000)
-🚘Recommended car accessories that save money🚘-
100,000 8-minute car wash coating that saves you money
• 【知らないと大損】「洗車とコーティングを8分で」シュアラスター&ワコーズ比...
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