I Bought All This Lost Freight and Everyone Made Money EXCEPT for ME!

938300 __________

Go to drinkag1.com/heavydsparks to get a surprise limited edition gift on top of the welcome kit when you first subscribe! thanks to AG1 for sponsoring today’s video!

Get entered to WIN this Custom Peterbilt 379! sparksmotorsofficial.com/

Big thanks to Insta360 for helping us get the shot! Click the link if you’re in the market for the best action cam on the market!

Follow our Contestants on YouTube!
Talaria Boys:    / @talariaboys  
Dripped Out:    / @drippedout  
Luke Sowby:    / @thebisonherd  

You can now contact us via phone number! PLEASE respect the line and only use for serious inquiries! If you have a problem that needs to be solved and it's in our line of work, feel free to reach out!

HeavyHotline: 801-303-1921

You can win one of my personal vehicles by subscribing to all of my channels right now!
   / @heavydsparksespanol  

Custom Brodozer Yankum Rope: brodozerrope.com/

Redmond Salt/Hydration: glnk.io/oq72y/heavydsparks

Advertising and partnership inquiries email info@heavydsparks.com

Follow me on:
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/heavydsparks
TIK-TOK: www.tiktok.com/@heavydsparksofficial
TWITTER: twitter.com/heavydsparks801
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Heavydsparks/

#heavydsparks #lostfreight #auction
