【KARAOKE ON-VOCAL】Sweetest Scarlet -- Nerissa Ravencroft🎼

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   • MY MUSIC  

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   • MY MUSIC  

∴∴♪ Credits ♪∴∴
♬ Karaoke Text Overlay: らふどん x.com/rfdn_0117
♬ Art: CureYunny
♬ Video: @Niqte
♬ Thumbnail: enocinoco @enocinoco

∴∴♪ Song Credits ♪∴∴
♬ Lyrics: Nerissa Ravencroft, Kazunari Okada
♬ Composition: Toshiya Hosokawa, Akira Kabe, Kazunari Okada
♬ Arrangement: Toshiya Hosokawa
♬ Time and Tune: @MioriCelesta
♬ Mix: Biango

∴∴♪ * Underage Viewers* ♪∴∴
Request from hololive Productions to underage viewers
Please search for [Request To Minors] or click on the link below, to read it and enjoy the video!

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