冬から春の植物のメンテナンス⑤ by園芸チャンネル 775 園芸 ガーデニング 初心者

2685 __________

You can talk to Yuuki on the official LINE here ➡ lin.ee/pGX7cAb
Click here for flowers you're interested in! ➡ gardenparty87.jp/
[Table of Contents]
00:00 Opening
01:22 Dracocephalum agnense Fuji White
04:16 Geranium pratense Splish Splash
05:31 Filipendula purpurea elegans
06:41 Salvia nemorosa Rosenbein
08:07 Veronica prostrata
09:45 Summary/Ending

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I'm really happy behind the screen 😂😂😂

[Online Shop | The Garedn Party®] is now open!
We're working hard to be a gardening site that doesn't just sell flowers and vegetables.
We will continue to improve little by little, so we hope you will keep watching over us with kind eyes.

[Company website] Making people happy through plants @ Muraoka Organic

[Twitter] twitter.com/gardenparty87

[Instagram] www.instagram.com/garden_party87/

[TikTok] www.tiktok.com/@hananouka
Free BGM and music materials

MusMus musmus.main.jp/

Amacha Music Studio amachamusic.chagasi.com/

Sound effects: Pocket Sound – youtube.com/c/PocketSound

Sound effects: Using materials from OtoLogic

Sound effects: Sound Effects Lab

