Super Robot Showcase: Gorevo from "Go-3 Elemental Wheel" / スパロボショーケース:「ゴー・スリー・エレメンタル・ホイール」のゴレヴォ

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What if Gorevo from "Go-3 Elemental Wheel" was in Super Robot Wars? An ability showcase.

"Go-3 Elemental Wheel" is a Malaysian animated series consisting of six episodes, each with a runtime of about ten minutes. The series is primarily focused on racing, but contains some Super Robot elements.

The series follows Go-3, a trio of young racers tasked by an alien robot with saving the world by recovering elemental crystals. However, the evil professor Eunos tricks Go-3 into joining a race he oversees so that they will lead him to the crystals.

For clarity, the subtitles here are not mine.

