The American West 04 - By Railroad to Nebraska (1872) - from

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The letters of a homesteader couple describe the epic experience of the first white settlers on the Plains. (8.5 mins)

With the coming of the railroad, the settlement of the Great Plains began - a process believed by many to be the 'manifest destiny' of the American people, and facilitated by the promise of free land. But first, the homesteaders had to tame a forbidding landscape, and this was no easy task. The module follows the story of Uriah and Mattie Oblinger, whose letters, written in 1872-3, describe the creation of their 'sodhouse', a house made from the only material available: the matted roots of the prairie grass itself.

Written and directed by Andrew Chater.
Originally commissioned and broadcast by the BBC.
Copyright Andrew Chater / Lodestar Productions /, streamed with the BBC's consent.

Watch the full American West resource in an interactive timeline at
