【曲名:Light of Hope】 ※チャプタータイトルは曲の雰囲気です
00:00 🌅 朝のはじまり - Fresh Start
03:40 💪 力強いビート - Rising Power
06:59 🧘 癒しのメロディ - Gentle Waves
10:00 🎵 ポップなひととき - Pop Vibes
13:20 ☀️ 明るい雰囲気 - Sunshine Mood
16:12 🏃 アクティブな瞬間 - Active Pulse
19:00 💖 エモーショナルな響き - Heartfelt Moments
22:01 🏙️ アーバンクール - Urban Cool
24:54 🍃 ゆったりタイム - Easy Breeze
28:00 ⚡ エネルギッシュなビート - Energy Flow
30:41 🎩 クールなサウンド - Cool Edge
33:25 🌟 明るいポップ - Bright Pop
36:59🚶 モダンなクール - Modern Cool
40:15 ✨ 神秘的な響き - Mystic Echo
43:00 🎶 エンドロールの癒し - Gentle Farewell
This playlist features carefully selected songs, perfect for starting a new day! The lyrics include affirmation elements, designed to boost self-esteem and inspire a positive mindset✨
The lyrics are thoughtfully crafted with the assistance of AI, while I personally adjust and refine the words and messages to create warm and heartfelt songs✨ I’ve added subtitles to the lyrics in the first track, so feel free to check them out! Although there are slight variations in the lyrics across the tracks, they are mostly the same. Each song has its own rhythm and atmosphere, so I believe you’ll enjoy the playlist as a whole♪
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#洋楽playlist #プレイリスト #洋楽