Take a Turn or Two of GARDEN GECKOS | A Tile-Laying, Bug-Eating Strategy Game!

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Garden Geckos is a light hex-tile placement game (1.6 on BGG). Player interaction is low, along the lines of Lanterns or Sagrada. It plays 2-6 and a game lasts between 20 and 40 minutes based on player count.

Each player represents five geckos that must work together to capture as many bugs as possible along with achieving objectives to score victory points.

Players have an on-going hand of 3 terrain tiles plus are dealt a secret bonus at the beginning of the game (a certain bug or terrain type).

The game end triggers when a player achieves six objectives, or if the last tile available is drafted.

Check out a couple turns or two of this game and what makes it special.

More Information:



Promotional Support by Noble Knight Games: www.nobleknight.com/

Become a Patron: patreon.com/tabletoptolson

Intro Sequence Credit: R Charles D Stuart

Music Credit: www.bensound.com

Logo Credit: www.logomakr.com

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