X-Men vs Street Fighter - Wolverine's Theme [Reconstructed by 8-BeatsVGM]
Wolverine theme from the arcade version of X-Men vs Street Fighter, reconstructed and properly extended with original instruments, clean audio and loud volume.
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⏯ PLAYLIST: • X-Men vs Street Fighter 8-BeatsVGM Re...
X-Men vs. Street Fighter is a crossover fighting video game developed and published by Capcom. It is Capcom's third fighting game to feature Marvel Comics characters, following X-Men: Children of the Atom and Marvel Super Heroes, and the first installment in the Marvel vs. Capcom series. X-Men vs. Street Fighter features gameplay similar to Street Fighter, but incorporates dual-character selection and tag team-based combat.
#XMenvsStreetFighter #Wolverinemusic #xmvsfwolverine