Why walk 500 miles (800km) across Spain? Lessons from the Camino de Santiago

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Why did I walk 500 miles (800km) across Spain on the Camino de Santiago (Camino Frances)?

To reflect on life. To reflect on change (moving from California to the Netherlands). And to grieve for a passing friend. And when you have 33 days and 500 miles to walk—you have a lot of time to think and reflect.

They say that the Camino truly begins once you've reached Santiago, and it's been a few months after the Camino. What did I learn?

The importance of...

1. Community and Connection - every day was filled with new friendships, deep connections, and stories from people around the world. This was the most amazing part of the Camino
2. Realization of Time -- tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Be grateful for who and what you have now. Take action now or you may regret it.
3. Authenticity & Being Yourself -- "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life."
4. Living Simply -- what matters in life is not stuff but the relationships and experiences you have.
5. Staying Active and Being Present -- whether it's on the Camino or life, don't rush it. But get out there. Be active. And go at your own pace—life isn't a race.

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Dates: September 2 - October 4, 2019 (33 days)
Location: St. Jean Pied de Port (France) to Santiago (Spain)
Estimated Distance: 800+ km (500+ miles)
Total Actual Distance: 945 km (per Apple Watch)
Total Steps: 1,300,000
Daily Costs: 30€/day (3€ Breakfast/5€ Lunch/2€ Beer/10€ Dinner/10€ Albergue)
Weight of Backpack without Water (Day 1): 7 kg

Check out my other Camino videos:
How Much Does it Cost to Walk the Camino De Santiago:    • How much does the Camino de Santiago ...  
Camino Q&A:    • Camino de Santiago Q&A: Tips, Advice,...  
Camino de Santiago - September 2019 | Camino Frances:    • Camino de Santiago - Camino Frances |...  

Instagram: www.instagram.com/say.wen/
Website: www.saywen.com/
Read more about the "Why" here: bit.ly/31XhN0u
Music used: www.epidemicsound.com/referral/51o4pp/ (referral link)

☕️ Support me with a coffee! www.buymeacoffee.com/davidwen

#caminodesantiago #caminofrances #frenchway #camino2019 #elcaminodesantiago
