What John Wayne's family loves about John Wayne Day!

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John Wayne's eldest grandchild Anita Swift, and great grandsons Matt and Luke Swift, say what they love most about John Wayne Day!

This year marks the 116th anniversary of John Wayne’s birthday. Join the Wayne family in celebrating this special day at John Wayne: An American Experience in the historic Fort Worth Stockyards, TX on May 26 from 4pm-7pm!

There will be hat branding, bandana embroidery, Gold Handle Coffee and Duke Spirits tastings, a book signing with the Wayne family… plus, the launch of our new John Wayne Stock & Supply America, Why I Love Her 50th Anniversary Collection, and more!

To purchase tickets, please select May 26 at 4p, 5p or 6p to attend. Each time is valid for the entire 3-hour event, no matter which time you select!

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