Godzilla vs Dark Void Ghidorah | Animation Epic BATTLE! (PANDY Special for 700K subs) Part 4

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After Godzilla Earth was defeated by Dark Void Ghidorah, Zilla Jr. destroyed the crystal that gave Ghidorah his power, causing his true form to emerge. and fights with Godzilla again!

Music by
"Sky On Fire" by Cold Cinema
Diabolus by Infraction
   • Cinematic Tense Dramatic by Infractio...  
Stalking Prey by Audionautix is ​​licensed under license. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Artist: audionautix.com/
Epic Action Trailer by Infraction    • Epic Action Trailer by Infraction [No...  

Thank you for watching. :D
