What is God’s Love Like?

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How can we experience pure divine love in meditation and give that love to others in daily life? In the talk “The Power of Love in Action,” Self-Realization Fellowship monk Brother Kamalananda conveys wisdom from Paramahansa Yogananda on how expressing the love we experience within can transform our lives and world.

Accepting that God loves us unconditionally enables us to reciprocate that love more and more — with the Divine in our meditations and through even small acts of loving kindness, which have the power to impact others in profound ways while also bringing us tremendous joy. This talk was recorded at the SRF temple in Glendale, California, in September 2024.

To watch the talk “The Power of Love in Action” please visit our Inspirational Services With Meditation playlist.

#Yogananda #DivineLove #Kindness #YogaMeditation #SelfRealizationFellowship
