
354984 __________

Never Seen Before! A Complete Breakdown of the Essence of Weight Shift and Torque.

*As much as possible, I have tried to base my theory on scientific evidence, but I also include many personal views, so I hope you will use it as a reference for one way of thinking.
*Please note that the center of gravity shown in the video does not represent its exact position. Some parts are exaggerated for better visual understanding. Thank you for your understanding.

[Golf-related videos]
1. Maximize your distance! An easy-to-understand explanation using a model - The science of the golf swing
   • 飛距離を最大化する!模型を使ってわかりやすく解説〜ゴルフスイングの科学〜  
2. Most people don't know! A scientific explanation of the true grip and how to use your arms
   • ほとんどの人が知らない!本当のグリップと腕の使い方を科学的に解説  
2. Supplement → Understanding Face Turn: What Is Natural Arm Rotation?
   • フェースターンを理解する〜自然なアームローテーションとは?〜  
3. A thorough explanation of the core of the golf swing, the shift in the center of gravity (※This video.)
4. The science of the difference in torsion (←Currently being created.)

[Explanation of unweighting]
・How to make your first step the fastest! ? A scientific explanation of the steps used by top players! →   • 【抜重ステップ最新版】一歩目を最速にする方法とは!?一流選手が使っているス...  


▼Table of Contents▼
0:00~ Opening
0:40~ Table of Contents
1:00~ Misunderstanding the shift of the center of gravity to the right
4:19~ What is the true nature of the "unnatural movement" that occurs during the backswing?
7:50~ What is the fastest and most optimal shift of the center of gravity?
14:32~ Misunderstanding of ground reaction force
16:22~ Differences in the finish between the long drive player and McIlroy
18:38~ Summary
20:19~ Ending


・Foot Insole Pressure Distribution during the Golf Swing in Professionals and Amateur Players

・The Relationship Between Pelvis Kinematics and Kinetics on Club Speed ​​and Handicap in the Golf Swing

・Comparison of centre of gravity and centre of pressure patterns in the golf swing

・Patterns of center of foot pressure movement during swing in experienced golfers

・Kinematic relationship between rotation of lumbar spine and hip joints during golf swing in professional golfers

・Technical Biomechanical Analysis of the Full Swing in Professional Male Golfers: A Wireless Biofeedback System

・The role of pelvis-thorax coupling in controlling within-golf club swing speed

・Kinematic, Kinetic, and Temporal Metrics Associated With Golf Proficiency
and others


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