888561 __________

The skull has 22 bones! Of these 8 bones are cranial,
And form the neurocranium, your brain’s protective hull.
The others are the facial bones, of which there are 14,
As well as 6 bones in the ears, important though not seen.

Except for the mandible, skull bones are joined by sutures,
Forming synarthrodial joints with no movement in their futures.
The 8 cranial bones include the occipital and the sphenoid,
The parietal and temporal pairs, the frontal, and the ethmoid.

First, at the back of the skull, you can find the occipital,
And the sphenoid in the middle inferior portion is visible,
It’s in front of the temporal bone, and looks like a butterfly,
It helps form the orbit, the bony socket which holds the eye.

The orbit is articulated from 7, bones including the sphenoid,
Zygomatic, maxillary, palatine, frontal, lacrimal, ethmoid.
At the roof of your nose and in between your eyes,
The ethmoid between nasal and cranial cavities lies.

The frontal bone has two portions and is the bone of your forehead.
Over orbital and vertical portions this bone is spread,
The last 4 cranial bones are parietal and temporal pairs.
Parietals join at the skull’s top - underneath your hairs.

Together they form the neurocranium’s top and sides,
Forming the cranial cavity to protect the brain inside.
Next your temporal bones quadrilateral shapes resemble,
At the sides and base of the skull, underneath the temple.

The petrous part of the temporal bone, the middle ear is here,
It has the smallest bones, three ossicles in each ear.
The stapes, incus, malleus, dressed up in Latin glamour,
In English are called, stirrup, anvil, and hammer,

The external acoustic meatus, called your ear canal.
Comes in from the external ear and don’t forget it pal.
The internal acoustic meatus, joins inner ear and cranial cavity,
Letting nerves pass to the posterior cranial fossa, actually.

Now for the facial bones, first the mandible, or jawbone,
Next the vomer in the inferior nasal septum zone.
The vomer articulates with the maxillary bones and sphenoid,
As well as the palatine bones and with the ethmoid.

Now for the paired face bones: maxillae, palatine, nasal,
As well as the nasal conchae, zygomatic, and lacrimal.

A pair of maxillae fuse to form the upper jaw,
They fuse at the intermaxillary suture, helping you to gnaw,
At the nasal cavity’s back, palatine bones pair with maxillae,
Forming the mouth’s hard palate, which they underlie.

The nasal bones form the bridge of the nose,
Joined at the internasal suture, in which they enclose,
The pairs of nasal conchae, inferior, middle, superior,
Found in upper nasal chambers, these are curvy, not linear.

Your two zygomatic bones, called your cheekbones,
Share borders with maxilla, temporal, sphenoid, and frontal bones!
At the front of the orbit’s medial wall can be found,
Two lacrimal bones which nasal and maxilla bones surround!

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