Secrets To Cleaning Your AC And Coils BETTER Than The Pros! Air Will Be Colder

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In this video, I show you important steps and things to consider when cleaning your AC unit's coils. In many cases, it will come out cleaner than hiring someone to do it for you and for WAY less. Once all the steps are done, the AC will be running more efficiently which oftentimes means colder air, shorter run times, and some energy savings on the electric bill.

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🧰 Products In The Video 🧰
Frost King Coil Cleaner:
2nd Choice Viper Coil Cleaner:
Klein 2 in 1 5/16 & 3/4 Driver:
Garden Hose Sprayer:
Dewalt Shop Vac:
Rubber Gloves:
Safety Glasses:
Dewalt Impact Driver:
Driver Set:

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How To Home assumes no liability for damage or injury. How To Home highly recommends using proper safety procedures and professionals when needed. Our content is for entertainment purposes only. No information contained in this video shall create any express or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not How To Home. How To Home will not be held liable for any negligent or accidental damage or injury resulting from equipment, tools, electrical, fire, electronics or any items contained in this video. Attempt projects and repairs at your own r
