Biboo Is Devastated by the Untimely Demise of Her Dolphin【MINECRAFT】【holoEN - Calli / Biboo 】

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Hi everyone!

Imagine being next to a reaper and your pet just kicks the bucket
I'd be mad lmao
Also gotta love how fast Calli realized that Rusty did need air and that's why things went so poorly lmao

They've got such great chemistry.

Take care, everyone!


💀 Calli:【MINECRAFT COLLAB】block game with @KosekiBijou !!
   • 【MINECRAFT COLLAB】block game with @Ko...  

🗿Biboo: 【MINECRAFT】Base building with @MoriCalliope ft. ROCK HARD CONSTRUCTIONS
   • 【MINECRAFT】Base building with @MoriCa...  

💀 Calli's channel:
   / @moricalliope  

🗿Biboo's channel:
   / @kosekibijou  

Have a pleasant day/evening everyone, and take care of yours
