هل الكفيف يقدر يعيش مستقل؟
في الفلوج. انا بحكي تجربتي مع العيش باستقلال. بشرح امثلة لأدوات ممكن تساعد الاشخاص ذو الاعاقة يعتمدوا. علي نفسهم وهحكي كمان بعض العوائق اللي قابلتني بسبب رؤية. المجتمع السلبية. لينا
آرائكم تهمني لو عجبك الفلوج اشترك في القناة
• In this vlog, I will speak about independent living while traveling to different countries and how this term looks like. I give examples of daily questions and experiences that I had which may be resulted in the community unawareness of disabled people required support. One question this vlog tries to answer is: Can disabled people live by themselves? Can they communicate, interact, and achieve on an equal basis?
This vlog includes English subtitles Your opinion matters for me please leave any comments to improve the quality of the future vlogs.
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business email: attiavloger@gmail.com
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