Batman: Arkham Knight Mods - Playable Batwing (Mesh-Swapping)

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Hello, everyone!

As promised, in this one that is the twentieth video showcasing the MESH-SWAPPING mod for "Batman: Arkham Knight", made by the great Tchi6, I present you guys a BIG one. Not just "a big one", but "THE big one". Big like... A plane or something. Oh, well. Bad puns. PLAYABLE BATWIIIIIIING! Hahahhah! That is SO cool, guys... Oh, man... It's SO great... It's AWESOME! Couldn't ever be done without the help of MrJag and Tchi6! Both are awesome, and deserve a LOT of credits for this one here! I sincerely hope you guys enjoy this mod, okay?!

The link to download the mod will be right next!

One more time, folks, thank you all very, VERY much for all the incredibly warm and kind help you all have been offering to me and to the channel in those past days, weeks and months--years, actually! I sincerely appreciate that, and I owe you guys pretty much everything! Thank you very much for everything, folks!

See ya,
Heitor Fraga

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To play as BATWING - so cool... -, all you have to do is copy the following command lines - without the "" - and replace the ones in your file "console.txt" for these here! Be aware to be certain that the codes won't have an extra "-" that YouTube may add during the whole CTRL+C and V thing!

set RAddContentPlayerCharacterMesh CapeMesh none
set RAddContentPlayerCharacterMesh BodyMesh SkeletalMesh'Batwing_Vehicle.Batwing_Arkham_Knight.Batwing_Arkham_Knight'

This one is the base to play with the Batwing... However, it will look SHITTY and MESSY without some OTHER codes, courtesy of Tchi6, that is, as I'm constantly saying, THE MAN. You have to put those codes in your "BmInput" file - the one with the codes of Free-Roam - replacing the obviously "INSERTKEYHERE" for the key you actually want, duh! You can find all of the codes I use for this video in the file below!…

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I’ve reuploaded the original file from Tchi6, here, but the file is from him!

This file has some folders inside, indicating “BAO” for Origins, “BAC” for City and “BAK” for Knight. Inside of those, you have other files. Copy “Console.txt”, or “Command.txt”, depending of which game are you modding, and then paste it in the “BINARIES” folder of your main-folder game (not “WIN 32” or “WIN 64”, just BINARIES). This file will set which meshes will be replaced in game. So you can activate that file, you need insert a KEYBIND into your “BMInput.ini” file, usually used to keybinds presets of Free-Roam, for example. Add the following line:

.Bindings=(Name="INSERTYOURKEYHERE", Command="exec console.txt")

Of course, replace INSERTYOUKEYHERE for the key in fact. If the file copied is “Command.txt” instead of console, replace that term too. Inside the game, you need to SEE those meshes before activate it. You can do that on Character View – the trophies – or anywhere in game. Be sure to have seen it really close, from all angles, okay? That’ll help with eventful crashes. Then you press to start the game. IMMEDIATELY you press REPEATEDLY the key used for the command “exec console/command.txt”, pressing it repeatedly until the game loads completely, with your character, that will replace the current using all his animations and skills. So, for example, if you want Man-Bat to use Batman's skills, the character in use must be BATMAN when you perform the mod activation!

Always worth of remembering: back-up all your save-games and personal data!

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A serious big thanks to MrJag and Tchi6, who were fundamental to achieve a fully functional playable Batwing mod! You guys are the best! Thank you very much, folks!

The greatest of all the thanks to “Tchi6”, the great genius behind the amazing mesh-swapping platform! The guy is awesome, and deserve credits! Thanks, dude! You’re the best!

Game Batman: Arkham Knight, desenvolved by Rocksteady Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment from Sony's PS4, and Microsoft's XBOX One and PC. Release date is June 23, 2015.
