Minecraft 1.19 Survival! E12 - Zombification Station
Minecraft 1.19 Survival, Hard difficulty with Fabric Mod and Carpet Mod and various vanilla tweaks and datapacks from vanillatweaks.net. Moveable tile entities are enabled!
Client Mods:
-Better F3
-Mod Menu
Server Mods:
-Chunky Pregenerator
-Lithium (When it gets upgraded to 1.19)
-Phosphor (When it gets upgraded to 1.19)
-AFK Display
-Anti-Enderman Grief
-Armor Statues
-Armored Elytra
-Double Shulker Shells
-Fast Leaf Decay
-More Mob Heads
-Player Head Drops
-Silence Mobs
-Unlock All Recipes
Vanilla Tweaks: