1984 Summary - George Orwell

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0:00 - 1984 by George Orwell Intro
0:59 - The Importance of 1984 in Today's World
2:12 - The Importance of Democracy
4:46 - 1984 Plot Summary
9:57 - Lesson 1 - Maintain Freedom
12:09 - Lesson 2 - Be Informed
13:57 - Lesson 3 - Think For Yourself
14:28 - Doublethink and Party Slogans
14:39 - Lesson 4 - Stand Up For Beliefs
15:15 - Lesson 5 - Keep Authority in Check
16:14 - Lesson 6 - Remember and Learn From the Past
16:32 - Lesson 7 - Fear Can Be Used To Control You
17:53 - Lesson 8 - Balancing Individual vs. Societal Needs
18:52 - What Type of Government Should We Have? What Type of Government is Best for the Entire Planet?


1984 by George Orwell was published in 1949 and is truly a nightmare vision of the future where we’re ruled and controlled by fear and intimidation. It’s a world where ‘the party’ has all the power and ‘we the people’, have no rights, no freedoms, no families, no individuality, no joy, laughter, love, and no intimacy. We’re told what to do, what to think, feel, eat, and drink. We’re fighting in endless wars and we’re constantly being monitored by the government via cameras and spies living among us. There’s even a camera in your home so that the govt can monitor you. For the last 70 years, this book has served as a serious warning of what could happen:

If we don’t pay attention to and safeguard our rights and freedoms.

It has served as a warning of what could happen if we don’t pay attention to the limits of authority and the checks and balances within the government. For example, overreaches of the govt in the form of new policy on things like surveillance, data collection, and censorship need to be very, very carefully understood and analyzed before being passed because they could destroy our way of life.

Please read: America's Founding Documents - www.archives.gov/founding-docs

Other resources used/credits:

Screen shots from the movie, Nineteen Eighty Four -

Inglehart–Welzel cultural map of the world - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inglehart%E2%80%93Welzel_cul…

Political compass - en.wikipedia.org/

Visualizing 200 years of systems of government - www.visualcapitalist.com/visualizing-200-years-of-…

More than half of countries are democratic - www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/05/14/more-than…

Timeline of human condition - www.southampton.ac.uk/~cpd/history.html

Has global violence declined? - towardsdatascience.com/has-global-violence-decline…

10 most censored countries - cpj.org/reports/2019/09/10-most-censored-eritrea-n…

PATRIOT Act - www.britannica.com/topic/USA-PATRIOT-Act

PATRIOT Act Critics - www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/1096/usa-patr…

Myths and Realities about the PATRIOT Act - www.aclu.org/other/myths-and-realities-about-patri…

Fighting terrorism in an electronic age - scholarship.law.duke.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?artic…

Spiral dynamics - jthowlett.medium.com/using-spiral-dynamics-to-unde…
