What I learned after 10 Years of Game Development!

1161950 __________

It's been a long journey... Let's see what I've learned!

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Coupon Code is "BRACKEYS" for an additional 15% discount.

👾 JOIN THE GAME JAM!! itch.io/jam/cgj

Thanks to everyone participating in the planning of the jam:

BlackThornProd: bit.ly/2GqgkqO
Dani: bit.ly/2LvNI2M
Jabrils: bit.ly/2gGV67R
Sykoo: bit.ly/2Oxxftv

Including the amazing Brackeys Discord Staff:


❤️ Donate: www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=VCMM2PLRRX…

► Join Discord: discord.gg/brackeys

● Website: brackeys.com/
● Twitter: twitter.com/BrackeysTweet/
● Instagram: instagram.com/brackeysteam/

► All content by Brackeys is 100% free. We believe that education should be available for everyone.
❤️ Donate: www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=VCMM2PLRRX…

Also, thanks to Olivia for providing pun-related consulting. Couldn't have done it without you!


♪ "ES_Dress Code_Black - oomiee" by Epidemic Sound
♪ Trailer music: A Better Day from ProductionCrat
