A friendly introduction to deep reinforcement learning, Q-networks and policy gradients
A video about reinforcement learning, Q-networks, and policy gradients, explained in a friendly tone with examples and figures.
Introduction to neural networks: • A friendly introduction to Deep Learn...
Introduction: (0:00)
Markov decision processes (MDP): (1:09)
Rewards: (5:39)
Discount factor: (8:51)
Bellman equation: (10:48)
Solving the Bellman equation: (12:43)
Deterministic vs stochastic processes: (16:29)
Neural networks: (19:15)
Value neural networks: (21:44)
Policy neural networks: (25:44)
Training the policy neural network: (30:46)
Conclusion: (34:53)
Announcement: Book by Luis Serrano! Grokking Machine Learning. bit.ly/grokkingML
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