Sea sickness: tips to avoid it

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Motion sickness is a condition that causes nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. It happens to certain people when they are on a boat or in a car. The reason is because your brain is receiving conflicting signals from your eyes and inner ear, which they sense your motion and balance.
For example, when you're in a moving car, your eyes may see the interior of the car as stationary, while your inner ear senses the movement of the vehicle. This conflict in signals can cause motion sickness.
So, to prevent it when you are in a car, you should sit in the front and keep your eyes in the direction you are moving.
And if you are on a boat, stay on the open deck and look at a fixed point in the distance. Also, try to avoid reading, using your mobile, or watching a movie. But most importantly avoid eating heavy or fatty meals before traveling.
For the treatment, try to stay still and avoid sudden movements. Open a window for fresh air and take deep breath. There are some medications that can help prevent and treat motion sickness, they work best if you take them 30 to 60 minutes before travel.
Some examples are Dramamine, Dizinil, Meclizine or Benadryl. They can help prevent and relief the symptoms. Drowsiness is a side effects of these medications. On the other hand, if you are planning to be on a cruise for several days a better option is to use scopolamine patches that can stay on your skin and work for 3 days instead of taking the above pills several times a day.

Video shot by Galia Helbaoui and edited by Amer Helbaoui
