
16592 __________

🍻 Shops visited
First: 7,150 yen for two (3,573 yen/person)
Stand Tiger Lily
Sonezaki Center Building, 1st basement floor, 2-10-15 Sonezaki, Kita-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture
Second: 3,430 yen for two (1,715 yen/person)
Sakedokoro Wasurenagusa
Umeda Underground Mall 3-4 East Mall, Doyama-cho 4, Kita-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture
Third: 4,720 yen for two (2,360 yen/person)
Kirishima Leisure Building, 1st floor, Room C2, 8-18 Doyama-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture
*The photo was taken in February 2025, so the information may differ from the current information.

💰 Bill
¥ for two (¥/person)

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I recommend typing "Naotaka location" in the YouTube search box to make it easier to find! Example: "Naotaka Ebisu", "Naotaka Shibuya"

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