【感動】ディズニーが本気を出したようです 【MIDIアート/ MIDI Art】世界地図 Disney Musical World Map

616.9万回視聴・高評価数16万 __________

◆Disney World Map / MIDI Art (International Ver.)↓↓
   • 【 Disney Musical World Map 】 / MIDI Art  

◇My MIDIart↓↓
   • 大我くんのmidiアート  

I made this to unite all the people around the world amidst our war against the corona virus.
I used the world map to re-create a disney song.
Let's all do our best together.
I hope this video reaches the world.

Lastly, I'm sorry my world map is not perfect.
But this movie has no political axe to grind.

Song List
0:00 A Whole New World [Aladdin]
0:12 Heigh-Ho [Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs]
0:20 Under the Sea [The Little Mermaid]
0:25 When You Wish Upon a Star [Pinocchio]
0:34 Part of Your World [The Little Mermaid]


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I have a lot of respect for this video
⇨Musical World Map    • Musical World Map  
#midiart #MIDI #disney #worldmap #disneyworldmap #drawing #anime #piano #song #songs #video #art
#awholenewworld #heighho #underthesea #whenyouwishuponastar #partofyourworld
#Musical #Map
