Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Syndrome HHS | HHNS Nursing & Pathophysiology

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Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome (HHNS or HHS) nursing diabetes & pathophysiology NCLEX review on endocrine disorders of the body. HHNS vs DKA are two complications of diabetes mellitus. HHNS presents with extreme hyperglycemia (blood glucose greater than 600 mg/dL) and dehyrdation. Ketones and acidosis are not present in this condition as with diabetic ketoacidosis. The hyperglycemia hyperosmolar state can lead to a coma and even death if not treated promptly. HHNS treatment includes intravenous fluids, insulin therapy,and electrolyte replacement. This video will highlight the patho, causes, signs and symptoms, and nursing interventions for HHS. Please see the previous videos on DKA and DKA vs HHS (see the playlist below)

Quiz on HHNS: www.registerednursern.com/hhns-nclex-questions/

Lecture Notes for this Video: www.registerednursern.com/hhns-nclex-review/

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