IRyS Teaches Chat Good Onsen Etiquette! #irys #chadcast #shorts

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Hi everyone!

I actually learned about this thanks to Stardew Valley years ago lmao
Also it's not exactly a funny ah-ah clip but I do think it's good to try and spread the word around 'cause I'm guessing many, MANY people just don't know any better and are more than willing to follow etiquette when they can! :D

Take care, everyone!


【CHADR CAST】We Went to a Hot Spring Together!! #chadcast
   • 【CHADR CAST】We Went to a Hot Spring T...  

💀 Calli's channel:
   / @moricalliope  

💎 IRyS's channel:
   / @irys  

🗿Biboo's channel:
   / @kosekibijou  

🎲 Baelz's channel:
   / @hakosbaelz  

Have a pleasant day/evening everyone, and take care of yours
