Banjo-Kazooie - All Bosses + Mini-Bosses (No Damage)
This is a showcase of all bosses in Banjo-Kazooie for the Nintendo 64 (N64). All cutscenes along with the secret ending for getting 100% are also shown. No damage is taken.
0:00 - N64 Logo and Opening Song
1:26 - Gruntilda Intro
4:59 - Entering Gruntilda's Lair
5:43 - Conga
6:19 - Nipper
7:03 - Snacker
7:21 - Black Snippet
8:22 - Mutie-Snippet
9:13 - Yellow Fibbits
9:50 - Boss Boom Box
10:31 - The Zubbas
11:12 - Grunty's Furnace Fun
21:59 - Rescuing Tooty
23:02 - Cast of Characters 1
28:00 - Banjo Party
28:53 - Final Boss: Gruntilda Winkybunion
35:17 - The Fall of Gruntilda
36:03 - Normal Ending
37:11 - Cast of Characters
42:51 - 100% Secret Ending