What is Japanese food? WASHOKU explained and its evolution 〜和食〜 | easy Japanese home cooking

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In this video, I am explaining about Japanese food, how it has evolved i.e. its categories and why it is healthy.

In my Channel, I usually show step by step of alternative but authentic Japanese home cooking, which can be made with the ingredients that are easily available outside of Japan.

00:00 Intro
01:14 What is WASHOKU?
01:43 1. Respect for variety and fresh ingredients
03:16 2. Nutritional balance
04:30 3. Expression of nature and four seasons
05:58 4. Close connection fo seasonal celebrations
06:56 Categries of Japanese food
07:18 1. Traditional Japanese food
10:22 2. Semi-Modern Japanese food
11:16 3. Modern Japanese food
12:42 Why is Japanese food healthy?
18:17 Ending

Please also watch my other cooking videos:
Neapolitan Spaghetti: https:    • How to cook Spaghetti Napolitan (Japa...  
Japanese mushroom pasta:    • How to cook Japanese style Mushroom P...  
Teriyaki Chicken:    • How to cook TERIYAKI CHICKEN 〜鶏の照り焼き〜...  
Curry Rice:    • How to cook Japanese style Curry Rice...  
Tonkatsu: youtube.com/video/lg6pk08HXL4/edit
Mapo Tofu:    • How to make MAPO TOFU 〜麻婆豆腐〜  | easy ...  
Konnyaku Steak:    • how to cook KONNYAKU (Japanese Yam ca...  
Unagi:    • How to make Unagi-Don (HITSUMABUSHI s...  
Takoyaki:    • How to make TAKOYAKI (octopus balls) ...  
Coffee Jelly:    • How to make Coffee Jelly 〜コーヒーゼリー〜  |...  
Mochi (with strawberry & Anko):    • How to make MOCHI (Japanese rice cake...  
Mochi ice cream:    • How to make MOCHI Ice Cream 〜雪見大福〜 | ...  
Dango:    • How to make DANGO🍡 (vegan/vegetarian)...  

Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@taijiskitchen/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/taijis_kitchen/

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Sound source: dova-s.jp/​
Image source: www.photolibrary.jp/
