Addictions සහ Bad habits නැතිකරගන්න උපවාසය භාවිතා කරන්න Ramadan Goals - Science of habits

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Hello and Assalamu aleikum everyone! Ramadan is around the corner (Friday night). I thought of taking a small break from making videos. I can post stuff related to Islam and Ramadan but I want my intentions to be sincere.
I thought of making this video for anyone who is thinking of fasting for the first time. This can be useful if you want to break away from a bad habit.
Ramadan is that month where I get to self-reflect (ස්වයං විමර්ශනය) and re-charge myself. It is also a month where I get to build good habits and get rid of my damaging ones. Damaging habits also result in addictions.
Ramadan is the holiest month in the Islamic calendar and involves fasting, reciting Quran, giving charity, praying late night in the mosque, spending time with family, being grateful to what you have.

Why do we fast?
Islam means submission to the will of the Creator. The Arabic name for the Creator is Allah. A Muslim is someone who submits to the will of the creator. We don’t see any higher purpose other than submitting to the will of the Creator. We don’t have to abandon our worldly life. We can pursue our daily affairs: teaching, farming, business, science – but we do those things too seek the pleasure of Allah. Our Creator has ordered us to fast this month. And this command has come before Prophet Muhammed to Jesus and Moses (PBUH). That’s why we are doing it.
قُلْ إِنَّ صَلَاتِى وَنُسُكِى وَمَحْيَاىَ وَمَمَاتِى لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَـٰلَمِينَ ١٦٢
Say, “Surely my prayer, my sacrifice, my life, and my death are all for Allah—Lord of all worlds.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

However, there are added benefits from this month. I’ve seen people talk about those – Tissa Jananayake on fasting to lose weight. However, we don’t do it for those reasons.
The Science of habits
If you are trying to break a bad habit this might be a good time.
Atomic Habits – James Clear, Power of Habits by James Duhigg
Cue - craving - response - reward
ඉඟිය, ආශාව, ප්රතිචාරය, ත්යාගය
Pg 52. Atomic Habits.
Write down what goes in your head. Reflect on it.

How does Ramadan help?
This is a dry fast where you can’t eat or drink water from Fajr (4:48 AM) to Maghrib (05:56 PM sunset). This is an uncomfortable situation for your body. Now your cues are different. Your cravings are different. When you feel stressed, your body is giving a different signal. Because you are fasting you start to reflect on what you can actually do. This is the time where you need to start a new habit.
If I am stressed, I need to open up the Quran on my phone and read it. Or you can read the physical copy. I like the physical copy but you always need to be in a state of wudhu. You keep doing this for 30 days. This is where you build a new habit and leave your old ones behind.
You start to reflect on your previous urges. Gradually coming to the realization it is of no use to you.
How to fast?
Preparation is key. Decide if you’re having your Suhur (early meal) before Fajr or after Isha the previous day. Decide how many hours of sleep you need. Eat your usual meal but make sure it has more Carbs. Eat fruits which contain lots of water in them. Avoid sugary sweets. When drinking water, take it with some jeewani. Otherwise all the water you drink gets flushed out by your kidneys.
Some people sleep after praying Fajr. Some stay awake. Do what works for you. Find the optimal times where you can work. First day is going to be hard.

When breaking fast
When breaking fast, eat a date and drink little water. The first sip of water for the day feels amazing as if you have never tasted water before. Then go to pray and come back to eat the rest. You need to this break to let the body know that more food is on the way.
Don’t eat oily food (Samosa, short eats). I know, I love eating them. But this is counterproductive. Eat fruits and vegetables, with protein and carbs.

What are my goals?
I want to recite the Quran front to back. I’m a little upset I couldn’t fulfill this last year. And go for Tharaveeh (night prayer) as much as I can. Do all the obligation insha’Allah. What are your goals for this month? Try your best.

Time stamps
00:00 Ramadan is coming
00:28 Fasting to break bad habits
00:52 Ramadan for Muslims
02:21 Why do we fast?
03:37 Fasting was there before Prophet Muhammed
04:54 Added benefits
05:28 Science of habits
06:34 Example
09:14 How Fasting is the solution
11:33 Self reflection
12:34 How to fast
14:42 Ifthar – breaking fast
16:11 Ramadan goals

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