+10 Operation Floodgate Shadow Priest 3.10M Overall [No Aug] M+ POV | 11.1 (S2 TWW)

6856 __________

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Operation Floodgate is a completely new dungeon with the launch of Undermine for The War Within, the dungeon is very enjoyable in my opinion and one of my favorites that they've released in a while. The third boss is pretty rough though

I ended up playing the Triple Idol (N'zoth, C'thun & Yogg'Saron) Archon build because at this key level with our current gear, mobs started to live for a long time so I was able to get full use out of Void Eruption every time I used it.

Other than that, Season 2 (S2) of the new World of Warcraft expansion is pretty enjoyable, including the new raid Liberation of Undermine, it has some really interesting fights.


0:00 Trash
4:14 BIG M.O.M.M.A.
6:31 Trash
12:27 Demolition Duo
14:08 Trash
15:27 Swampface
17:32 Trash
22:08 Geezle Gigazap

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