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I went to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture for the first visit of the year!

I returned last year's fortune slip, went to the chozuya, and prayed (worshipped)!

I didn't find the fortune slip that I thought was the one for me, so I didn't draw one this time!

[↓Outing videos↓]

[First time at a Tokyo flea market in a while] I went to the Komazawa Olympic Park flea market for the first time and it was crowded

   • 【久しぶりの東京のフリマ】初めて行く駒沢オリンピック公園のフリーマーケット...  

[Popular Japanese sweets shop] On the annual New Year's Ekiden day, I went to Shuzan-an, a Japanese sweets shop that is popular for its strawberry daifuku, and bought some!

   • 【人気のある和菓子屋】毎年恒例、年始の駅伝の日は苺大福が人気な和菓子屋、秀...  

[The popular lucky bag? ! ] I bought three types of lucky boxes from 3coins for 2025! The price of each one is cheap, but what's inside? !
   • 【話題の福袋?!】2025年度、3coinsの福箱3種類購入!一つの価格は...  

[Why is this in there?!] I bought a lucky box of toys and when I opened it, I found something unexpected inside...
   • 【なぜこれが入ってる?!】玩具の福箱を購入し開封したら予想外のモノが入って...  

[A flea market that's safe even in the rain] I went to the Minato Mirai Ekinaka Flea Market held inside Minato Mirai Station and there were a lot of cute items!
   • 【雨でも安心なフリマ】みなとみらい駅の中で開催されたみなとみらいエキナカフ...  

[Test your luck?!] I visited the flea market held on the rooftop of the Apita Totsuka store! There were a lot of cute items!
   • 【運試し?!】アピタ戸塚店の屋上にて開催されたフリーマーケットにお邪魔しま...  

[Cheap and fun!] I went to the flea market held on the rooftop of the Apita Kanazawa Bunko store and there were a lot of cheap items!
   • 【安くて楽しい!】アピタ金沢文庫店の屋上にて開催されたフリマへ行ったらやっ...  

[Cheap & cute] I went to the Totsuka Harajuku Fureai Festival flea market and there were a lot of cute items! And it was cheap!! There were some rare items here and there!    • 【安い&可愛い】戸塚原宿ふれあい祭りのフリマへ行ったら可愛いものがたくさん...  

[Too lively? ! ] I went to the BIG flea market held at Yokohama Arena and there were a lot of people...    • 【活気やばすぎ?!】横浜アリーナにて開催されたBIGフリマへ行ってみたら人...  

[Did I buy too much? ! ] I went to a flea market in Izumi Ward and there were so many cheap items that I ended up buying a lot before I realized it!!    • 【買い過ぎた?!】泉区のフリマに行ったら安い物がたくさんで気づいたらいっぱ...  

[Flea market! ] The flea market on the last day of the three-day weekend was at Umi no Park! There were a lot of vendors and customers!!    • 【フリマ!】三連休最終日のフリーマーケットは海の公園!出店者もお客さんもた...  

[Too cheap!! ] I went to the flea market at Apita Kanazawa Bunko store and there were a lot of super cheap items!! I bought a lot of great things!    • 【安すぎ!!】アピタ金沢文庫店のフリマへ行ったら激安商品大量!!たくさんい...  

[Too many people!! 】I went to the flea market at Oi Racecourse for the first time in a while and it was lively again!! !
   • 【人多すぎ!!】大井競馬場場のフリマに久しぶりに行ったら活気が戻ってました!!  

【Unprecedented excitement! 】I went to the flea market at Nissan Stadium and the number of stalls and customers was amazing!! !
   • 【見たことのない盛り上がり!】日産スタジアムのフリマへ行ったら出店数もお客...  

【Research before the 70% off】Recycle shop, Off House, is having a clearance sale! Before the price goes down, I went to the store to see what was left! !
   • 【70%になる前の下調べ】リサイクルショップ、オフハウスで在庫処分セール実...  

【I have to go! 】A recycle shop is having a super sale on all items, so I went and there were still a lot left!! ! !
   • 【行くしかない!】リサイクルショップで全品対象激安セールが開催中なので行っ...  

【Hogeta recommendation! 】I bought some items from Baskin Robbins because they were collaborating with Pokemon for a limited time and they were so cute!! !
   • 【ホゲータ推し!】サーティーワンにて期間限定でポケモンとコラボしていた為購...  

[This is moving] Held for a limited time at Planetarium Tokyo! The summer festival under the starry sky and fireworks was so beautiful!
   • 【ぼっちでも満喫】コニカミノルタプラネタリア東京にて期間限定で開催!満天の...  

[A healing space] I went to a stone shop that sells a lot of power stones and I loved the atmosphere!
   • 【癒しの空間】パワーストーンを多く取り扱ってる石屋に行って来たら雰囲気が好き!  

[This is the shopping street!] A walk through Yokohamabashi Shopping Street! I love the nostalgic atmosphere even though it's my first time there!
   • 【これぞ商店街!】横浜橋商店街をお散歩!初めての場所なのに懐かしく思える雰...  

[Enjoying a meal alone] I went to a retro vending machine in Sagamihara and found a lot of food and vending machines I didn't know!
   • 【ぼっち飯を満喫】相模原にあるレトロ自販機へ行ってみたら知らない食べ物、自...  

[Crowded] My first debut at Tokyo Station, mainly focusing on Character Street! I was confused by the crowds, but I still had a fun day!
   • 【混雑】キャラクターストリートをメインに初の東京駅デビュー!人混みに混乱し...  

[Girls' Walk] Mysterious bamboo in Kamakura, the famous three-star Michelin temple, and a soothing day trip!    • 【女子散歩】鎌倉にある神秘的な竹、ミシュラン三つ星を獲得した有名な報国寺へ...  

#NewYear #firstvisittoshrine #Kamakura #TsurugaokaHachimangu #visit #outing #alone #girl
