IBADAH 5 PM - Atmosphere Online Service (LIVE) | 16/03/25 | Adon Saptowo

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Copyright Claim

"Hatiku Percaya"
Words and Music by True Worshippers
©2014 Insight Unlimited.

"There is None Like You"
Words and Music by Lenny LeBlanc, Dennis Jernigan
©1991 Integrity's Hosanna! Music.
CCLI License #1529211

"Ku Di TanganMu"
Words and Music by Vetry Kumaseh
©2010 Maranatha.

"Through It All"
Words and music by Reuben Morgan
©2001 Hillsong Music.
CCLI License #1529211

"Tak Terbatas"
Words and Music by Ronald Pangemanan & Joseph S Djafar
©2017 NDC Worship.

“Kubersyukur Bapa"
Words and Music by Christopher Tjandra & Ivan Handojo
©2018 Symphony Worship.

Copyright @ Christ Cathedral 2025.

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#SundayService #IbadahMinggu #IbadahOnline #OnlineService #AtmosphereService
