【 CROW COUNTRY 】 ...am still Brave! with @VyolfersCh
Support Gwem @VyolfersCh
【Chat Rules】
Please be kind to one another. Keep chat light hearted, and comment using polite words.
Please do not have any off topic discussions in the chat.
Please do not spam, simply Ignore & Block trolls and spammers.
Please do not swear, bash, or talk with any kind of foul language.
Please no spoilers, back seating or unsolicited critic.
Please do not reveal anyone's personal information, including your own.
Please do not mention or give any comment about other Streamers during the livestream if the topic isn't started by the current streamer first because it would be considered impolite.
If the streamer asks you to stop, please stop. You will be warned once and banned there after.
As long as we are all following the rules, feel free to chat, hang out, have fun, and enjoy the stream!!
【Chat Commands】
collect and spend pebbles(pb) while you hang out~
. : FREE : .
'!points' ........... check pebble count
'!lurk' ............... announce your lurkings
'!egg' ............... praise egg!
'!give' + (username) + (pb amount) ... gift pebbles to other wormies
. : REDEEM : .
'!water' ............... 50pb
'!stretch' ............. 100pb
'!pats' .................. 250pb
'!feed' .................. 500pb
'!bigfeed' ........... 1,000pb
'!otamatone' ..... 1,000pb
'!hum' ................ 1,000pb
'!soft' ................. 1,000pb
'!mute' ............... 1,000pb
'!costume' ......... 5,000pb
'!transform' ...... 10,000pb *10minute limit
(nymroot, buffroot, susroot, sproot, nyanroot, or "outfit")
'!minimim' ........ 50,000pb *10 a month limit
(random gifted membership)
. : GAME : .
chance your pebbles(pb) for more!
'!slots (pb)' ....................... emote slots
'!gamble (pb)' ................... roll 1-100
'!fish (bait)' ....................... random silly fun
'!trickortreat (pb)' ............ gather goodies together
Discord: discord.gg/SacZNGGPeb
Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/nymroot
Membership: youtube.com/nymrootch/join
#vtuber #nymroot #crowcountry
Thank you for stopping in! Mattan