IT’s PREGNANCY, Her Eggs, And Female Nature – Explained - Pennywise Reproduction Procedure & More

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In the climax of King’s novel “It”, the Losers Club discovers that the monster Pennywise is actually female and has been laying eggs deep in its lair. During the final battle in 1985, It takes the form of a giant grotesque spider – the closest the human mind can come to perceiving Its true form. Bill Denbrough and Richie Tozier see this spider creature and realize the horrifying truth: “It was female. And it was pregnant.” This revelation comes as they notice clusters of eggs in It’s nest. The Losers surmise that the creature has been reproducing, which means there could be offspring ready to hatch. In that moment, the terror shifts from just defeating Pennywise to also preventing its brood from surviving. Today we are going to explore this insane nature of IT that was never explained in the movies.
#it #pennywise #stephenking
