10 Detection Scenarios to Prevent Card Fraud

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Prevent Card Fraud with these 10 essential rules every financial crime prevention professional should know! In this video, we dive into effective strategies to detect and prevent card fraud, from monitoring unusual spending patterns to implementing device fingerprinting. Learn how to safeguard against fraudulent activities by understanding high-risk merchant categories, velocity checks, and more.

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00:00 - Intro on Prevent Card Fraud
00:33 - Rule 1: Monitor Unusual Spending Patterns
01:01 - Rule 2: Velocity Checks
01:32 - Rule 3: Geographical Anomalies
01:59 - Rule 4: High-Risk Merchant Categories
02:47 - Rule 5: Multiple Declined Transactions
03:33 - Rule 6: High-Risk CNP Transactions
04:27 - Rule 7: Immediate Withdrawals Following Deposits
04:48 - Rule 8: Unusual Account Changes
05:18 - Rule 9: Device Fingerprinting
05:38 - Rule 10: Detecting Muling Activities in Card Transactions

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