How to reduce tanning | simple effective routine | dermatologist suggests

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Here are a few things to understand about tanning :

▪️Tanning will not fade if you continue sun exposure

▪️Time taken for tanning to fade depends on various factors :
✔️baseline skin colour
✔️severity of tanning
✔️associated sun burn

▪️Avoid hard mid day sun between 11 am to 3 pm as much as possible

▪️Use physical measure to protect skin :
✔️carry an umbrella
✔️wear a cap
✔️wide sunglasses
✔️thin full sleeve clothing

✅Using a sunscreen regularly is the mainstay of getting rid of tanning .

👩‍⚕️Using prescription based glycolic acid creams can help to hasten the process.

⚠️Disclaimer: For educational and public interest purposes only. Please consult with a physician or dermatologist in your area regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options.
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