
Here are the timestamps. Please check out our sponsors to support this podcast.
Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/andrew-callaghan-transcript
0:00 - Introduction & sponsor mentions:
- ShipStation: https://shipstation.com/lex and use code LEX to get 60-day free trial
- BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lex to get 10% off
- LMNT: https://drinkLMNT.com/lex to get free sample pack
- MasterClass: https://masterclass.com/lexpod to get 15% off
- AG1: https://drinkag1.com/lex to get 1 month supply of fish oil
1:18 - Walmart
2:48 - Early life
21:38 - Hitchhiking
33:14 - Couch surfing
42:14 - Quarter Confessions
59:58 - Burning Man
1:15:08 - Protests
1:20:41 - Jon Stewart
1:23:37 - Fame
1:36:55 - Jan 6
1:40:39 - QAnon
1:46:24 - Alex Jones
2:03:17 - Politics
2:12:53 - Response to allegations
2:29:53 - Channel 5
2:35:28 - Rap
2:37:15 - O Block
2:41:11 - Crip Mac
2:44:23 - Aliens


Andrew's grown up so much, i know he had a rough patch in his career but im glad he didn't give up, we need more authentic journalist like him


Andrew is a legend. Every documentary he releases is top tier (especially lately).


“I’m gonna write that down. ‘Don’t snort it.’” LMAO


"i love Albuquerque"
"yeah ABQ"
"what's ABQ?"
"the depth of references you bring to the table is insane"


The crash zoom while talking about what crash zooms are was hilarious.  😂😂😂


Andrew is one of the few journalist I truly admire. His pursuit of reality is inspiring


Literally said "omg bro" out loud. Can't wait to watch


I feel like Andrew Callaghan is who Lex Fridman wishes he was. Lex always talks about how he wants to have conversations to advance human understanding, but I think most of the time Lex doesn't have conversations, he acts as a listener in a one-sided monologue. Andrew has a subtle difference to Lex in that he provides that other half of the conversation, even if it's not super obvious. Andrew pushes back gently on outrageous things people say, he provides context when someone is spreading conspiracy theories, he goes deeper and looks into the people's histories so that he can ask informed questions.


The scholar level breakdown of the Juggalos was hilarious.


"Where did you come from, where did you go" had me 😂


I’m hoping this episode will keep it 55th street


I wish it was touched on more when Andrew was discussing the absolute torment you feel of not wanting to be here anymore.  It was something that occurred due to the circumstances he was under and all he could think about was his family. It's a dark place and discussing that dark place more is what leads to that number dropping.
He is an absolute gem of a journalist, especially now in his growth, that I'm ecstatic to be a part of as a viewer and to learn more from his courageousness and real world reporting. 

Give back and keep it 55th ❤


Lex - " how do you heal the misunderstandings between two people, you think"
Andrew - "Listening. Its the only option we have. No forced education. No, like, forced meetings or meditations between political opponents. Just listen to more people. And really listen. Try to get rid of any per-concieved notions you might have about how you should feel about someone your suppose to disagree with. And keep your ears and your heart open to people you dont know. And your life will change".


"I don't need to go to space for that". Killed me


Andrew, you're an internet legend and a real person. Your courage and humility are exactly what the world needs. I'm learning that I'm more than my mistakes, and it sounds like you've gotten through similar issues. It means a lot to hear you speak like this. Much love and respect.


"We fuck with white castle" is crazy😂😂😂


That San Fran episode Andrew did was easily the greatest start to a YouTube video I have ever seen to this day.


I am enjoying seeing Lex joke around in this episide.


"People who are struggling the most are often the ones willing to help you when you are struggling." This is a profound statement. Lex and Andrew - Excellent podcast!