
Another theory is that Boo/the witch is travelling through time and she created the a bug's life merchandise such as toys books and calendars and she put them in the time period that toy story 2 takes place and since a bugs life is set in the distant future i would say the Caterpillar we see in toy story 2 is heimlich's ancestor


Well, since A Bug's Life is about sentient bugs, maybe the easter egg is no different than seeing a ladybug from Monster's University. Just a little bug on the screen, nothing crazy.
Maybe A Bug's Life is a popular environmental film in Andy's universe. Which explains the merch from Al's Toy Barn. Like how Lightyear was a film that got Andy loving the space person in the first place.


I have to be honest after more and more Pixar films have come out, I personally believe that the theory doesn't work to be honest, however I do believe that there are some films that are connected, while most are in their own separate universe, one could argue that A Bug's Life is a popular film in the Toy Story universe in Toy Story 2, but that gets overcomplicated with the Woody cameo in the A Bug's Life outtakes as well as the Flik and Heimlich cameo in the Toy Story 2 outtakes. Domee Shi did confirm that Turning Red takes place in the same universe as Toy Story, use that information if you will. Monsters, Inc. has outtakes where Rex is feature as a giant for some reason, and Mike appears in scuba gear in the end credits of Finding Nemo, so the idea that Monsters, Inc. takes place in the future doesn’t make any sense. The Cars universe, despite what others have said, is its own universe, as the natural monuments, bluffs, cliffs, and architecture is entirely car-based, not to mention, if regular cars gained sentience, why do they have mouths, teeth, and tongues? It's obviously a parallel universe where Cars were the dominant species instead of humans. The same goes for Onward as well as Elemental. And the idea that Boo is behind all of this is stretching it way too far. Instead of stringing these films together, why not have it be like a multiverse? That way everything doesn’t have to be on a linear timeline and can still make sense.


Have you seen Alex Bales Pixar Metaverse Theory. It’s very similar to what you said in this video


When are you going to do Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Cars, Rateatoullie and so fourth