I can assure you FTP as a transfer protocol is still very much relevant
"FTP doesn't matter" I'd say that too if I was always 10 watts behind BHD.
Estimating your FTP is like ordering wine. You can’t take the most expensive bottle but you also don’t want to be a cheapskate so you have to select a number which is towards the top of the range but just believable
my favopurite FTP test by far is the 1 Hour test, I highly recommend the 5 min of vommiting as a cool down
Im old, fat and slow, sometimes DNF on gravel races, yet i get a huge dopamine rush watching these videos on optimizing training for cycling!
I've run my mile pr one time, but if somebody asks how fast I run, I'm giving them that number 😂
Dizzle is going to be so proud that you actually said Ignition Coach Co 😂
The best way to troll your competition is to drop them on a group ride, or beat them in a race. At some point after that event, casually bring up ftp/VO2 max and then tell them your numbers but take like 60 points off of your actual ftp or say your VO2 max is like 49. You will have them all sorts of bothered and questioning every aspect of their training.
FTP isn't about racing it's about training. Self reported FTP is near totally irrelevant in races
Nobody ever does the 20 minute test properly though - you're supposed to do it 5 minutes after a 5 minute MAX effort, then take 95% of that! The original protocol was designed by Hunter Allen and Dr Andrew Coggan in their book.
I’m 60, my FTP is terrible but I can still do a century with several days rest before hand
As a former cycling coach I applaud you for bringing back some common sense that was already available 30 years ago, when, as it is today, each race required figuring out in those conditions how you can get your riders as fresh as possible in the final phase of a race, all about 'durability'... it requires taking into account ALL relevant factors, period. Love your comments.
"Your FTP +10 is mine" made me laugh so hard. Great video as always
I have an argument when my gf again complains about my durability - I need years of training with high volume...
20 min power = 20 min power
This is really evident in UK hillclimb scene. The w/kg these people are doing for 3-20mins are mad and definitely on a world tour level. But none of them could win an actual world tour race because they lack the durability/training volume.
Past FTP: a legit 60 minute test. Current FTP: Newborn home from the NICU. Current stretch goal: ride at all?
My FTP has always been laughably low, but, when fit, I've been accused of being fast more than once. I've always thought that I'm not fast, but that I ride smart and that makes up for a lot of deficiencies in power.
This sound a lot like relabeling "endurance," but with extra steps.