Sliiiiiiinnnnnkkkkkkk! Would you consider using the oni shotgun for 1 whole match?
I love how sliinky always has to figure out game mechanics in the middle of unreal ranked matches. Last season pulling up Fortnite gg to try to find avengers chests, this season figuring out the sprite to get the key for the vault. Amazing.
Max Payne playing fortnite = Sliinky
This daily ranked no builds are saving my day! Thank you @Sliinky❤
What's up sliinky... best fortnite streamer. GGS
So you can get the vault key anytime of day. Just gotta fins her, she spawns at three different plattforms
18:50 that kill was so clean
Yo I was thinking you were being sarcastic about how to get that key 😂
the fact we are like 15 days from season end and you JUst figured out the sprite trade for a key for the secrete vault x.x
Find bushranger at one of the pavilions with pink trees and give him any kind of sprite. He will give you the key in return! Not hard
Are you not a fan of the precision smg?
Я играю бункера, дробовик я автомат, катана и синее
Ибо нефиг бегать без бункеров, пузырей или кустов
There is a bozo spoiling the vid in the comments, I advise watching it fully before reading.
4th that sucks 👎
So cool pin me pls I am sub
4th place slinky fell off