Missed the stream while i was sleeping, so will definitely catch up in the archive later! Edit- It was fun watching Roboco having fun practicing! Watching Roboco underestimating the Expert CPU will never not be funny though :_rbcWww: Looking forward to seeing the results of your practice on the day of the tourney! :_rbcLove: Some Timestamps: 2:19 - Start 10:15 - Minigames start 11:55 - Trying to check R button at the wrong time □:_rbcWww: 17:52 - Roboco Jumping Noises:_rbcLove: 18:55 - Ear Blessing!:_rbcAaaaa: 22:00 - iyaaa:_rbcAaaaa: 23:31 - Changing to Expert CPUs 44:04 - Changing it back to Normal CPUs (after losing alot :_rbcWww:) 48:37 - Finally able to finish the level with the help of writing down notes :_rbcWww: 54:29 - Changing it Strong CPUs 55:50 - Roboco noises :_rbcLove:and panik :_rbcAaaaa: 1:01:09 - Roboco vibing and noises, the minigame:_rbcLove: 1:02:41 - Reading comments thinking it was over :_rbcWww: 1:04:16 - Changing it to Expert CPUs again just for this minigame (she feeling confident with her rhythm...) 1:09:36 - Roboco beating the expert CPU! :_rbcWow:□ 1:21:21, 1:29:38, 1:31:44 - gyaaa:_rbcAaaaa: 1:36:41 - Ear Blessing!:_rbcAaaaa:
1:04:35 かわいいロボ子
Thank you for the fun stream!:_rbcLove::_rbcLove: Enjoy your evening!:_rbcZzz: I love love love Roboco! :_rbcLovee::_rbcLovee:
11:54 Rってどっち! 確かにそっちはRですw
ロボ子さん、おつ:_rbc2ro::_rbc4bo::_rbc3ーー:!!マリパのミニゲームの練習を頑張るロボ子さんが可愛かったです□ 苦手なゲームを慌てたり、逆に得意になったゲームにドヤ顔するなど、多彩な魅力が見られて楽しかったです♪:_rbcLove:
おつろぼでした! いろんなミニゲームでわちゃわちゃするロボ子さんかわいい:_rbcLovee:
Thank you for the fun Super Mario Party Jamboree stream, Roboco-san!
2:19 配信開始
おつろぼ~:_rbcTea: 本番前練習ナイス~!初見わちゃわちゃ可愛:_rbcAaaaa: ミニゲームのルール知ってるだけでも大分違うからね□本番がんば!:_rbcSairiumu::_rbcGuruguru:
Roboco playing is too cute :_rbcLove:
Thanks Roboco!
おつロボでした! 息をのむようなバトルをたのしみにします!
ジャンボリ練習おつろぼ~ 本番楽しみだー!
ロボちゃん一旦おつろぼですー! 22時からも楽しみにお待ちしております🤖
This was a great stream Roboco! I had a fun time. I hope you have a great day Roboco!:_rbcLovee:
おつろぼでしたー!!!! 本番もがんばえええええ!!!