
Oliver Cromwell wasn't a King or anything, just a head of state who served for life and was succeeded by his son.


England: fears absolute monarch
England: ends up with hereditary military dictatorship
Cromwell: "I see nothing wrong here."


Ironically, it could be argued that the British monarchy was saved in the long run by being toppled so early. Otherwise, it may have met a similar fate to France or Russia and fallen alongside other monarchies in the 19th and 20th centuries.


And to show how magnanimous he was, Charles II had Cromwell's body disinterred, hanged, drawn & quartered. His severed head was put on a spike on Westminster Hall until one day it blew off in a storm, and then got passed around to curio collectors and freak show operators for 300 years until it was buried in the 1960s.


Once watched a documentary that summed up the restoration of the monarchy to replace Richard Cromwell as “if we’re to have hereditary rulers might as well have one with the right credentials”


English people: “you can do king stuff,  just don’t marry a catholic. 

Stuart Kings: “I’m marrying a catholic.”


"The separation of powers and soon the separation of king Charles's head from his body." Always good to see the points are so excellently made.


Trivia: The colony of Carolina was named after King Charles I, and the gray squirrel now infesting Britain is officially named Sciurus carolinensis in Latin, literally the "Carolina squirrel." So the King Charles squirrel has arrived in Britain, and it is having its revenge!


There's also a fourth reason: Cliques within the military dictatorship. In particular General Monck, one of the most powerful Grandees in the army, and a turncoat who was quickly convinced to switch sides again by Haselrig. Monck had been the head honcho in the occupation of Scotland since Dunbar, and so had one of the largest divisions of the army at his command. Popular opinion had very little role in the Restoration. It was, in English tradition, the country's elite playing musical chairs.


This can't be a coincidence that HM releases this video two days after Charles III's coronation


Run without a king, but by Oliver Cromwell who was TOTALLY not a monarch


Your animations have gotten noticeably better over the years. Good job!


"He failed and so he bravely fled London."

Such a courageous man.


"And cracked down on activities that they felt were immoral."

Not the flower field frolicking! 😱


One of the MANY things I really like about this channel is that you don't do overblownglossy  drama queen intro titles, but just crack on and BANG serve up the goodies. And then take the time to thank your funders. Great stuff.


1:23 - I feel the need to note that he was not in fact, executed with a Khornate chain axe.


Honestly, "acting like a decade-spanning civil war, overthrow of the government, and execution of a head of state just...didn't happen" is probably the most British outcome of the English Civil War.


0:27 "be less alive"

fantastic phrase, i think ill use it from now on.


England reminds me here of Spain, where the two strongest arguments for having a monarchy are the first republic and the second republic


Mad props to Charles III for keeping them name, considering there is a Lord Cromwell currently in the House of Lords.