
Evbo should have listened to me. Man was breaking way too many laws!!




Seawatt: Play Minecraft like it’s real life
Evbo: I’m pretty sure I can steal


I love how Evbo is able to visually tell stories without the need for too many special effects.  It reminds me of an Alan Becker in progress.


How does a guy not know the laws of the real world?


You broke the law for being awesome


I can't believe they just keep getting better, thank you so much for making my day Evbo


The good thing about these videos is that they could never happen or mojang would close or delete the update within 17 minutes


If the LAPD owned Minecraft would be like


Minecraft Chat Reporting but Mojang did it literally.

So killing a pig is now animal cruelty. Going to the nether is illegal because not you need a passport, you need a visa with the Nether Embassy's approval.

Imagine how many players illegally in the nether, syndicate that want to escape their crimes.


I just love how he when make new word spawn in air and take some fall damage


There are laws in Minecraft 
1. Never dig straight down


Mojang needs more people like Evbo who has a endless Minecraft ideas so Minecraft never get boring!


Glad Grox was in the video I was wondering where he was since he is not posting


the police skin is soo rad and cool I like the detail


2:04 I love how he takes the oak logs and ignores the iron, gold and emeralds


Evbo: I haven't played in 10 years!
Seawatt: This game has changed a lot!
Evbo: No one knows this game better than I do!


All right let's go time to play real life!


These videos are cool and all but I'm still waiting for the part 3 of the series where those cheaters destroyed the world by building an infinite water source.


3:38 that cop realizes that a crossbow ain’t gonna help him right?